The First Scholastic Tournament of the School Year is This Weekend

The wonderful scholastic chess tournaments sponsored by the Northwest Arkansas Service Cooperative and directed by Dustin Seaton are back in full swing this year, with a schedule of 3 tournaments on the calendar. And the first tournament is this Saturday, October 8th at the Don Tyson School of Innovation from 8:30-3:30 p.m.

If you’d like to fill out your chess calendars, the full schedule for the entire year is currently set as follows:

Saturday, Oct. 8th, 2022 - Don Tyson School of Innovation, Springdale
Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023 - Don Tyson School of Innovation, Springdale
Saturday, April 29, 2023 - NWA Education Service Cooperative, Farmington

As always, the final tournament of the year in Farmington is an invitation-only tournament, and based on your performance in one of the two previous tournaments during the year.

Make sure to contact Dustin Seaton at if your child is interested in playing and you haven’t signed up yet! You won’t want to miss these terrific opportunities for kids to play against each other in a wonderful and welcoming environment.

Ryan Billingsley

Ryan is the founder and lead father at Dad Suggests.

Lincoln High School Hosting Open Chess Tournament December 2nd


Scholastic Chess Returns to NWA with Farmington Tournament